CA Backup Status on Hold?

By | March 2, 2009

eSG NETWORKS has became quite an expert in helping companies to roll-out CA Backup Solutions…Take control of data protection to improve performance, tighten security and extend disaster recovery — while reducing costs.


Problems Encountered: Backup Has Not Been Running for a While:Suddenly, no backups are going through and your backup status is on HOLD and the last result status is crashed



Well, you wonder why this happened?  Normally this occurs when the backup server was ungracefully shutdown while the backup job was in session.  


To work around this problem, follow these steps.

Open up Backup Manager – Quick Start – Click on Job Status Option – Right Click  – the Job whose status is on Hold – Select Ready and the backup will resume again.

Please feel free to contact us for further technical assist, with the installation of CA Backup Solutions.